
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My mission statement

I exist for God. I aspire to give God honor and glory. I am alive to accomplish His holy purpose in my life.
To lead others to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ, to encourage others to walk in the Way, participating and being committed with others spiritual growth.
To teach and prepare leaders in an exchange of information, where I learn as well as I teach. To emphasize the importance of the sound knowledge of the Gospel and to live a life that rejoice in spiritual disciplines.
I exist to be an example of man, husband, father and son. To motivate others through my example, to fortify values as honesty, love, integrity, simplicity and humility.
I exist to have a family and through them glorify Jesus. To educate my children and to love my wife as Jesus loved the Church. To honor my parents and to be forever remembered as a man of God.

Hope one day I can achieve my mission. This is a life term project.
May God bless you,

Rodrigo Serrão

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