
Sunday, June 25, 2023

Desvendando os Tesouros Intelectuais: Uma Coleção Imperdível de Livros para Alimentar sua Mente

Se você está interessado em teologia e ciências sociais, quais livros ler este ano? Existem tantos livros sobre diversos temas e perspectivas, mas como escolher aqueles que valem seu tempo e atenção?

Para ajudar você, compilei uma lista de 8 ótimos livros de teologia e ciências sociais para ler. Esses livros foram selecionados com base em sua relevância, originalidade, clareza e profundidade de análise. Eles abordam uma variedade de questões importantes para seus respectivos campos, tais como:

- Como podemos compreender a relação entre Deus e a criação à luz das descobertas científicas e das crises ecológicas?

- Como podemos nos envolver com outras religiões e culturas de forma respeitosa e construtiva?

- Como podemos articular o significado e a importância de Jesus Cristo em um mundo pluralista e secular?

- Como podemos repensar o papel e a função da igreja na sociedade atual?

- Como podemos integrar insights da psicologia, filosofia e arte em nossa reflexão teológica?

Esses livros não têm a pretensão de serem definitivos ou abrangentes, mas sim de estimular a curiosidade e inspirar a aprendizagem. Eles foram escritos por estudiosos especializados em suas áreas e são apaixonados por comunicar suas ideias a um público mais amplo.

Seja você um estudante, professor, pastor ou leigo, encontrará algo valioso e enriquecedor nesses livros.

(Estes links abaixo geram ganhos para mim a partir das vendas feitas por meio deles. Obrigado pela ajuda).

1. Science and Creation: The Search for Understanding by John Polkinghorne (Compre este livro aqui)

2. Introducing Theologies of Religions by Paul Knitter (Compre este livro aqui)

3. Christology: A Global Introduction by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen (Compre este livro aqui)

4. Theology and Psychology (Routledge Science and Religion Series) by Fraser Watts (Compre este livro aqui)

5. Theology and Philosophy: Faith and Reason (Religion and the University) edited by Oliver D. Crisp, Gavin D'Costa, Mervyn Davies, Peter Hampson, William J. Abraham, Zoë Lehmann Imfeld (Compre este livro aqui)

6. A Peculiar Orthodoxy: Reflections on Theology and the Arts by Jeremy Begbie (Compre este livro aqui)

7. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson (Compre este livro aqui)

8. Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation by Kristin Kobes Du Mez (Compre este livro aqui)

Espero que você aproveite a leitura desses livros.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Eight books that have shaped a significant share of the world's understanding of God (not exhaustive!)

Hi there, and welcome to my blog! Today I want to share with you my list of the 8 great theological books that have shaped a significant share of the world's understanding of God and his ways. These books are not only informative, but some are also inspiring and challenging. They cover various topics, from the nature of God and his revelation to the history of Christian doctrine and the practice of Christian living. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in theology, I hope you will find something in this list that will enrich your faith and deepen your understanding of God.

Here are my top 8 picks for some of the greatest theological books of all time:

1. **Mere Christianity** by C. S. Lewis. This is a classic book that presents the core beliefs of Christianity in a clear, logical, and winsome way. Lewis was a master of using illustrations and analogies to explain complex concepts and address common objections to the faith. This book is a great introduction to Christian theology for anyone who wants to know what Christians believe and why.

2. **Systematic Theology** by Wayne Grudem. This is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that covers all the major topics of Christian doctrine, from the doctrine of God to the doctrine of the church. Grudem writes from an evangelical perspective but interacts with other views and traditions. He provides biblical support, historical background, practical application, and suggested readings for each topic. This book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Christian theology systematically.

3. **The Mosaic of Christian Belief** by Roger Olson. This fascinating book surveys the diversity and unity of Christian beliefs throughout history and across denominations. Olson shows how different Christians have understood and expressed their faith in various contexts and cultures while highlighting the common core of Christian doctrine that unites them. This book is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to appreciate the richness and complexity of Christian theology from a global perspective.

4. **What Christians Ought to Believe** by Michael F. Bird. This engaging book introduces Christian doctrine through the lens of the Apostles' Creed, one of the oldest and most widely accepted summaries of the Christian faith. Bird explains what each line of the creed means and how it relates to Scripture and Christian life. He also includes recommended readings for further study on each subject. This book is helpful for anyone who wants to understand and affirm the essentials of Christian doctrine through the Apostles' Creed.

5. **Across the Spectrum** by Gregory Boyd and Paul Eddy. This is an intriguing book that explores the various issues and debates that divide evangelical Christians today, such as divine sovereignty and human freedom, gender roles and women's ordination, creation and evolution, hell and universalism, etc. Boyd and Eddy present the arguments for and against each position fairly and respectfully, without taking sides or favoring one view over another. They also provide biblical references, theological implications, and practical considerations for each issue. This book is stimulating for anyone who wants to understand and evaluate the different perspectives on controversial topics in evangelical theology.

6. **Basic Theology** by Charles C. Ryrie. This is a concise and straightforward book that outlines the fundamental doctrines of Christianity in a clear and simple way. Ryrie writes from a dispensationalist point of view, but he also acknowledges other views and traditions. He provides scriptural support, historical context, theological analysis, and personal application for each doctrine. This book is a handy reference for anyone who wants to review or refresh their knowledge of basic theology.

7. **The Moody Handbook of Theology** by Paul Enns. This is a comprehensive and reliable handbook that covers four major areas of theology: biblical theology, systematic theology, historical theology, and contemporary theology. Enns writes from a conservative evangelical perspective but interacts with other views and traditions. He provides scriptural support, historical background, theological synthesis, and contemporary relevance for each area of theology. This book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to study theology in depth and breadth from a conservative standpoint.

8. **Karl Barth: A Life in Conflict** by Christiane Tietz. This captivating biography tells the story of Karl Barth, one of the most influential and controversial theologians of the 20th century. Tietz traces Barth's life from his childhood in Switzerland to his death in Basel, highlighting his theological development, political involvement, personal struggles, and lasting legacy. She also provides insights into Barth's writings, especially his monumental Church Dogmatics. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to know more about Karl Barth and his theology.

So, there you have it, my list of some of the most outstanding theological books out there. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and that you will check out some of these books for yourself

Thanks for reading, and God bless! 

(The links on this website generate proceeds for me from sales made through them).

Friday, June 23, 2023

Unveiling the Intellectual Treasures: A Must-Read Collection of Books to Ignite Your Mind

If you are interested in theology and social sciences, what books to read this year? There are so many books on various topics and perspectives, but how do you choose the ones worth your time and attention?

To help you out, I have compiled a list of 8 great theology and social sciences books to read. These books are selected based on their relevance, originality, clarity, and depth of analysis. They cover a range of issues and questions that are important for their respective fields, such as:


- How can we understand the relationship between God and creation in light of scientific discoveries and ecological crises?

- How can we engage with other religions and cultures in a respectful and constructive way?

- How can we articulate the meaning and significance of Jesus Christ in a pluralistic and secular world?

- How can we rethink the role and function of the church in today's society?

- How can we integrate insights from psychology, philosophy, and art into our theological reflection?


These books are not meant to be definitive or comprehensive but to stimulate curiosity and inspire learning. They are written by scholars who are experts in their fields and are passionate about communicating their ideas to a broader audience.

Whether you are a student, a teacher, a pastor, or a layperson, you will find something valuable and enriching in these books.

 (The links below generate proceeds for me from sales made through them. Thank you for the help!).

1. Science and Creation: The Search for Understanding by John Polkinghorne (Buy this book here)

2. Introducing Theologies of Religions by Paul Knitter (Buy this book here)

3. Christology: A Global Introduction by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen (Buy this book here)

4. Theology and Psychology (Routledge Science and Religion Series) by Fraser Watts (Buy this book here)

5. Theology and Philosophy: Faith and Reason (Religion and the University) by Oliver D. Crisp (Editor), Gavin D'Costa (Editor, Series Editor), Mervyn Davies (Editor), Peter Hampson (Editor, Series Editor), William J. Abraham (Series Editor), Zoë Lehmann Imfeld (Series Editor) (Buy this book here)

6. A Peculiar Orthodoxy: Reflections on Theology and the Arts by Jeremy Begbie (Buy this book here)

7. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson (Buy this book here)

8. Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation by Kristin Kobes Du Mez (Buy this book here)


I hope you enjoy reading these books.

Verdades Perturbadoras: Desafiando Suposições sobre a História Americana e Teologia Cristã


Se você está em busca de um livro instigante que desafia os limites do entendimento convencional sobre a história americana e a teologia cristã, não precisa procurar mais além de "Unsettling Truths" de Mark Charles e Soong-Chan Rah. Nesta obra reveladora, os autores adentram o impacto profundo e destrutivo da "Doctrine of Discovery", uma série de proclamações que concediam aos exploradores cristãos a autoridade para reivindicar as terras que eles "descobriam" durante o século XV. As implicações dessa doutrina deixaram uma marca indelével na identidade dos Estados Unidos e em sua relação complexa com os nativos americanos e outros grupos marginalizados.

Explorando a Doctrine of Discovery:

"Unsettling Truths" é dividido em quatro partes abrangentes, cada uma dedicada a examinar uma faceta distinta da Doctrine of Discovery e suas consequências abrangentes. Ao desvendar suas origens históricas, os autores iluminam como a doutrina surgiu sob a influência do colonialismo europeu, do racismo e do nacionalismo. A segunda parte do livro aprofunda as implicações teológicas e missionárias da doutrina, tanto ao longo da história como nos dias atuais. Os leitores ganharão insights sobre como essa doutrina se enraizou nos fundamentos e na estrutura dos Estados Unidos, incluindo sua Constituição, decisões da Suprema Corte e políticas de imigração. Por fim, a quarta parte do livro oferece um roteiro para confrontar e desmantelar a doutrina por meio do arrependimento, lamento, contar a verdade e solidariedade.

Uma Leitura Desafiadora, Porém Necessária:

"Unsettling Truths" não é um livro para os fracos de coração; ele desafia os leitores a confrontar verdades desconfortáveis sobre o passado e o presente. Ele nos convida a abrir caminho em direção a um futuro mais justo e compassivo para todos os indivíduos. Ao encorajar a reavaliação de nossas noções de descoberta, oportunidade, expansão e igualdade, esta obra nos convida a abraçar uma visão mais enraizada nas Escrituras do Reino de Deus na Terra.


"Unsettling Truths" de Mark Charles e Soong-Chan Rah é uma exploração inovadora da Doctrine of Discovery e seus efeitos profundos na história americana e na teologia cristã. Este livro serve como um chamado urgente, instando os leitores a enfrentarem as complexidades do nosso passado compartilhado e trabalharem em direção a um futuro mais equitativo. Ao desafiar nossas suposições e abraçar uma visão bíblica de justiça, "Unsettling Truths" nos implora a embarcar em uma jornada transformadora que corrige as injustiças históricas e promove a solidariedade entre todas as pessoas. Prepare-se para ser iluminado, incomodado e inspirado por esta leitura necessária e esclarecedora.

Unsettling Truths: Challenging Assumptions About American History and Christian Theology


If you're seeking a thought-provoking book that pushes the boundaries of conventional understanding regarding American history and Christian theology, look no further than "Unsettling Truths" by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah. In this eye-opening work, the authors delve into the profound and destructive impact of the "Doctrine of Discovery," a series of proclamations that granted Christian explorers the authority to lay claim to lands they "discovered" during the fifteenth century. The implications of this doctrine have left an indelible mark on the identity of the United States and its complex relationship with Native Americans and other marginalized groups.

Exploring the Doctrine of Discovery:

"Unsettling Truths" is divided into four comprehensive parts, each dedicated to examining a distinct facet of the Doctrine of Discovery and its wide-ranging consequences. By unraveling its historical origins, the authors shed light on how the doctrine emerged under the influence of European colonialism, racism, and nationalism. The book's second part dives into the theological and missional implications of the doctrine, both throughout history and in the present day. Readers will gain insight into how this doctrine has become entwined within the foundation and structure of the United States, including its Constitution, Supreme Court rulings, and immigration policies. Finally, the book's fourth part offers a roadmap for confronting and dismantling the doctrine through repentance, lament, truth-telling, and solidarity.

A Challenging Yet Necessary Read:

"Unsettling Truths" is not a book for the faint of heart; it challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the past and present. It beckons us to forge a path toward a more just and compassionate future for all individuals. By encouraging reevaluating our notions of discovery, opportunity, expansion, and equality, this work invites us to embrace a more biblically-rooted vision of God's kingdom on Earth.


"Unsettling Truths" by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah is a groundbreaking exploration of the Doctrine of Discovery and its profound effects on American history and Christian theology. This book serves as a clarion call, urging readers to grapple with our shared past's complexities and work towards a more equitable future. By challenging our assumptions and embracing a biblical vision of justice, "Unsettling Truths" implores us to embark on a transformative journey that redresses historical injustices and fosters solidarity among all people. Prepare to be enlightened, unsettled, and inspired by this necessary and enlightening read.

Buy Unsettling Truths here