
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Texto do Caio Fábio

Muito bom este texto.

Leiam e reflitam!

Rodrigo Serrão



A fé que se manifesta pelo surto do sobrenatural, deixa o seu praticante em um estado de profundo perigo, pois, sob tal camuflagem, não há como tratá-lo ou ajuda-lo, visto que a pessoa não se enxerga como louca, mas sim como “elevada” ou “espiritual”.
É para evitar que a fé se torne loucura ou viagem de irrealidade, é que se diz que Deus deve ser amado de todo o coração, de toda alma, de toda força e de todo entendimento.
Somente assim a fé é loucura que é a suprema sanidade, pois as emoções, os sentimentos, as forças do instinto, e o entendimento, quando focados em Deus, pelo amor grato, é que produzem a fé que é loucura de sanidade.
Muitos cristãos vêm conversar comigo, e percebo como muitos deles estão completamente surtados, mentalmente perturbados, emocionalmente fragmentados, psicologicamente paranóicos ou neuróticos; alguns tendo até manifestações esquizofrênicas e psicóticas, e, todas essas coisas, são acobertadas pela permissão que a “fé” dá para que toda maluquice vire piedade.
É como o caso da médium que recebe o tal do espírito de um certo Caio Fábio, um antigo amante dela desde o tempo do Egito antigo, e que foi seu companheiro também em outras encarnações, durante o tempo em que ele era um general romano, o qual, hoje, é seu guia, mentor e amor do além.
Pergunta: se tal afirmação não fosse feita em nome de uma fé, quem poderia ouvi-la sem pensar que se está diante de uma pessoa vivendo um processo profundamente dissociativo da realidade, e, afundada num mundo paralelo, o qual a mantém “livre” da necessidade de encontrar alguém de carne e osso na vida real, ou quem sabe, de se enxergar?
No meio evangélico, a fé pentecostal é um viveiro maravilhoso para o desenvolvimento de tais disfunções mentais. O tal do “senti no coração” é desculpa psicoticamente divina para transformar qualquer maluquice em revelação.
O “Deus me revelou” é o maior escudo para fazer de qualquer surto megalomaníaco ou narcisistico, algo próprio em qualquer ocasião, e completamente irretocável diante dos fiéis.
Assim, mergulhados na permissão de fé para surtarem, especialmente em catarses públicas, os freqüentadores de muitos dos cultos cristãos, estão na ante-sala dos manicômios, visto que a maioria se dissocia da realidade, entra no mundo da fantasia, do qual muitos não sabem mais voltar ou sair.
Paulo diz em I Coríntios que as “línguas” eram para ser faladas de modo introvertido, a menos que houvesse quem interpretasse. E não mais do que dois ou três, sucessivamente, em caso de ser algo publico. No mais, ele diz que preferia dizer poucas palavras inteligíveis numa reunião pública, do que falar em milhares de línguas estranhas que não edificavam ninguém.
Assim ele chama o culto para o equilíbrio entre emoção, força da alma, manifestação da psique mais elevada, e do espírito tomado de consciência e entendimento.
Eu creio em todos os dons espirituais. No entanto, creio em tais coisas a partir do modo discreto como Jesus as viveu, e também, através do discernimento carregado de bom senso e equilíbrio que eu vejo em Paulo, no que tange ao exercício de dons não coletivos, como as línguas estranhas.
O que precisamos saber é que o vivencia do chamado “sobrenatural”, só pode ser sadia, se três discernimentos espirituais estiverem presentes:
1) Que o amor a Deus tem que ser equilibrado; das emoções ao entendimento; e também entre a força e paixão.
2) Que nenhuma manifestação indiscreta do sobrenatural é coisa do Evangelho, pois, em Jesus, não há “show de sobrenatural”.
3) Que uma comunidade só pode sadiamente exercer pessoal e coletivamente os dons, se o fizer no espírito da discrição, de ordem, de bom senso e da prevalência da inteligibilidade sobre a initeligibilidade de qualquer que seja o sobrenatural que não amplie o entendimento no amor.
Essa é uma linha muito tênue, a que separa o genuinamente sobrenatural, da doença mental disfarçada de carisma, poder, visões, revelações, ou shows de milagres; sendo que este último aspecto do sobrenatural, tanto pode ser apenas filho do narcisismo de seus praticantes, como também pode ser o produto da má fé e da manipulação.
O fato é simples: a fé é simples, e se parece com a discrição de Jesus!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Credo Memo

1. What do you stand for? Why?

All the things that I believe are the things that I stand for. Not only in spiritual matters, but also in matters of life. I stand for love, relationship, fellowship. I stand for life, abundant and full of joy. I stand for spiritual life as well as physical. I stand for a healthy mind, soul and body, I stand for spiritual experiences. I stand for a core of values.

2. What are you discontent about? Why?

Discontentment for me is not something that happens and stays for long periods of time. Discontentment is temporary and short. Long periods of discontentment are to me disappointments.
For this reason, there are more things that I am disappointed about than discontented about. As Brazilian and Christian, the political situation in my country brings to me disappointment and sadness. Today, most politicians in Brazil are involved with corruption and all kinds of crime against public money. Not even those who claim themselves “evangelicals” are separated from all the scandals that recently emerged.
Another thing that brings me disappointment is the actual church movement called Neo Pentecostalism. This movement is different from Classical Pentecostalism; the leaders of this movement distort the message in order to support their views (most of the time the message is about prosperity or spiritual warfare/exorcisms). Again, I am talking about Brazil and the growing church over there. When you study the Bible and know what Christianity is really all about, you can easily see all the damage that this movement is bringing to the life of people.
I always get disappointed with situations that I cannot change with my own efforts. Regarding discontentment, I would say that right now, when I type these words, there is nothing that I can remember that I could be discontent about.

3. What brings you suffering? Why?

The Bible says that “…the whole world is in the power of the evil one” (1 Jo 5.19). It might explain suffering in the world. I suffer, seeing others suffering. Today’s world is filled by catastrophes, illness, hunger, violence, disrespect and so on. I am directly affected by others suffering even if I am not present, or even if I do not know the person. Looking at the world suffering, I would be embarrassed to point to my own sufferings. I would laugh about my sufferings if I would compare my suffering with that of a poor person in my country. I am a blessed man. But I suffer. Sounds contradictory but is not.
All nature suffers; so do I. I suffer with the distance that I am from my family and girlfriend, I suffer as international student in a country that I am still learning how to live in and with the feeling of always being an outsider. I suffer with my struggle in the process of learning a foreign language, and I suffer with my incapacity to change things that bring me disappointment.

4. What makes you weep and wail? Why?

When I was a child, any physical hurt had the power to bring tears to my eyes. Today, the rivers of tears have dried and my body pain has no more power over my emotions. However, there is still one river that flows from my soul and my psyche. My emotions today are driven by my heart. I have not experienced the loss of any close relative or the loss of parents. I am pretty sure that when it happens, I will cry like a baby and my heart will hurt as if someone were pulling it out of my chest. I would rather prefer to die first than see any of my “people” die.

5. What makes you jump for joy? Why?

There are not many things in this world that would make me jump for joy. Maybe one would be when I see people that have had some bad life experiences, especially with drugs and alcohol, become free through the power of Jesus, repent of their sins and convert to Him. This is awesome! Heavens and I jump for joy because of that. Another motive for great joy in my life is when I go back to visit Brazil and see my mom, dad, friends from my church and also my girlfriend. Maybe the last reason for me to jump for joy is when Brazil’s soccer team, wins the World Cup. When it happens, the whole nation explodes with joy and I share in that same contentment.

6. What are you passionate about? Why?

I am passionate for what I do. My field of study is wonderful, I love it. I am really passionate about studying theology. But, the main reason is not only to study and get full of knowledge, but what I really intend with all this education that I am getting, is to teach others at an academic level. One specific area of study that is really growing within me is Church History, especially history from the last six hundred years. I am really thinking about writing a book about the history of the Church in Latin America, with concentration in Brazil, from the discovery of the new world to our days.

7. What keeps you awake at night? Why?

Well, before my conversion, a good party was enough to keep me awake the whole night long. Thanks to God that I have changed, and today I would say that my studies are the number one reason for keeping me awake. But, unfortunately I have other reasons that also have the power to keep my eyes open when I should be already sleeping. One of these extra reasons would be worries of life, especially regarding my financial situation. Another would be anxiety about something that is to happen. I hate to admit that I am anxious, but anxiety is something that I have to learn to live with and try to overcome, because it is a great issue in my life.

8. What’s grabbed holds and won’t let go? Why?

My conviction of faith in Jesus Christ is what I won’t ever let go. My dreams and goals of life are also what I long for and only in a catastrophic situation would I open my hand and let go of it. Some opportunities in life are given by God and once grabbed you can never let them go, unless you want to be for the rest of your life a frustrated man.

9. What do you want for your life? Why?

I want to honor God. I want complete my academic studies with a Doctor’s degree. I also want to serve the Lord and His people in some way. My passion is teaching. I also love to preach. Mission is something very interesting to me as well, especially overseas.
I want to have balance in all areas of my life. To know how to balance ministry, family and other duties of life is not an easy task.
Regarding family, I want to get married, and have children. I want to help my mom and dad also in whatever they need.
I want be disciplined with my spiritual life. Maybe this is my biggest struggle.
I also want to help others through the gifts that God has given and is still giving me.

Monday, October 17, 2005

A influência familiar na formação espiritual

A formação espiritual de cada ser humano, é composta por um mix de vários fatores determinantes. Começa bem cedo em sua relação familiar, e depois é estendido para fora, em suas mais variadas relações com o "mundo".
Quero aqui falar sobre a influência do lar, pais e irmãos, e tantos outros "de casa" que influenciam a nossa formação espiritual.
Antes de tudo, quero dizer que com Jesus não foi diferente. Ele passou por diversas situações familiares que iam dando contornos a Sua relação com Deus. Claro, que no caso de Jesus, não aconteceu uma influência que pudesse por em risco o propósito de Deus na Sua vida aqui na terra, uma vez que por ser o Cristo, Ele sabia discernir as influencias. Fazendo isto, Ele não permitia sair dos planos que Deus havia determinado, mesmo que propostas para tal viessem por todos os lados inclusive e tambem da Sua família.
As passagens bíblicas de Mateus 1.18-25; 2.13, 19-23, mostra do nascimento de Jesus, a fuga para o Egito, e o retorno para a cidade de Nazaré, como cumprimento da profecia. Aqui, a ênfase é nos pais de Jesus. Maria e José, ambos no cuidado do bebezinho salvador da humanidade.
Vemos um José apaixonado por sua esposa, atento as ordens do anjo do Senhor, e sensível ao seu próprio coração. Também uma Maria, que é submissa ao seu esposo e serva do Deus altíssimo.
Assim, nasce Jesus em um lar de dois servos de Deus.
Porém, Jesus cresce e a sua missão permanece acima da sua família, ainda que seus pais fossem fiéis Judeus. Por conta disso, Ele diz em Marcos 3.31-35 que a sua família eram todos os que faziam a vontade de Deus. Jesus tinha um senso maior do que família era. Suas palavras demonstravam o caráter da família eterna de Deus, ou seja, aqueles que fazem a vontade do Pai.
Em outras passagens, a conexão de Jesus com sua família, servia de bloqueio para que Ele executasse milagres, pois, para aqueles de sua cidade natal, Ela não passava do filho de José, o carpinteiro.
Todos nós temos a uma história familiar para contar. Todos somos influenciados de certa forma por nossos pais, e demais familiares.
Hoje, conversei rapidamente com uma moça do Nepal, ela era Hindu, provavelmente herança não somente da sua cultura, mas principalmente da sua família, da sua casa. Eu sou cristão, herança da minha família. Ainda que eu não tenha conhecido Jesus pessoalmente através da minha família, eu conheci "sua fama" por meio dela.
A família tem essa responsabilidade de formar um caráter religioso, seja a religião que for. Os Judeus ainda circuncidam os seus filhos ao oitavo dia, os Católicos batizam seus filhos e os põe para seguir um caminho que vai da primeira comunhão, à extrema unção. Os Evangélicos apresentam seus filhos a Deus e a igreja e depois ficam torcendo para que um dia eles venham a realmente se converter e se batizar. E isso não é privilegio apenas da cultura judaico cristã ocidental. Os Mulçumanos, os Hindus, os Budistas, e porque não, os cultos Africanos, Indígenas, Aborígines e etc, também têm os seus "rituais" para seus recém nascidos filhos.
Todos com certeza visando a salvação da alma do bebê, tanto para agora, como para o futuro dia de sua morte.
Portanto, todos nascemos e somos influenciados em algum tipo de religiosidade e espiritualidade, que é reflexo dos nossos pais, reflexo da nossa família.
Isso é muito forte na vida de qualquer ser humano. Eu diria que é fortíssimo. A influência familiar pode tanto colocar como tirar uma pessoa da sua religião.
Jesus sabendo disso diz, "Aquele que não negar pai, mãe por amor a Mim, não é digno de Mim".
Aqui entra o poder desconstrutor de paradigmas do Espírito Santo.
Ou amamos a Jesus acima daqueles que nos colocaram no mundo (seguindo o próprio exemplo de Jesus), ou nos sucumbiremos às tradições familiares e culturais dos nossos antepassados.
Quem nunca ouviu a frase do tipo, "Nasci deste jeito, minha família me criou assim e assim vou morrer!".
Que Deus nos ajude a amar mais a Ele que as nossas tradições, seja elas quais forem. Tradições pode ser um grande ídolo na vida de todos nós.
Amemos profundamente a nossos pais e toda a nossa tradição familiar, porém, amemos a Deus sobre todas estas coisas, este é o primeiro grande mandamento.
Rodrigo Serrão

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My mission statement

I exist for God. I aspire to give God honor and glory. I am alive to accomplish His holy purpose in my life.
To lead others to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ, to encourage others to walk in the Way, participating and being committed with others spiritual growth.
To teach and prepare leaders in an exchange of information, where I learn as well as I teach. To emphasize the importance of the sound knowledge of the Gospel and to live a life that rejoice in spiritual disciplines.
I exist to be an example of man, husband, father and son. To motivate others through my example, to fortify values as honesty, love, integrity, simplicity and humility.
I exist to have a family and through them glorify Jesus. To educate my children and to love my wife as Jesus loved the Church. To honor my parents and to be forever remembered as a man of God.

Hope one day I can achieve my mission. This is a life term project.
May God bless you,

Rodrigo Serrão

My personal plans for now and for the future


Where you are now?

I’m student at Truett Seminary (first semester). I am member of Great Hills Baptist Church and teach Sunday School Class for Portuguese speakers. I’m 27 years old. I have two bachelors’ degrees, one in Accounting and other in Biblical and Theological Studies (the first one from a Brazilian Federal University, and the second from an American Private University)

What you want (priorities in all areas of your life)?

I want to honor God. I want complete my academic studies with a Doctor’s degree. I also want to serve the Lord and His people in someway. My passion is teaching. I also love to preach. Mission is something very interesting to me as well, especially overseas.
I want to have balance in all areas of my life. Know how to balance ministry, family and other duties of life is not an easy task.
Regarding to family, I want to get married, and have children. I want to help my mom and dad also in whatever they need.
I want be disciplined with my spiritual life. Maybe this is my biggest struggle.
I also want to help others through the gifts that God gave and still giving me.

Why you want this?

These goals of life will make my life very dynamic. Acting toward the pursuit of my goals, will give a sense to my life. I will know where I want to go, and I will look forward to find the best path to achieve it. Achieving these goals, I will love more and more, God, His people, my family and my life. I will become a realized person, whose needs are not only materials but especially spiritual and emotional. And in response to this lifestyle, people that cross my way, will be blessed and bless me and will love me and I will love them.

When you will know when you have reached the mission?

I will know when my goals become concrete. Right now, I only have the goals and the desire. But as the time is passing and I keep walking day by day toward the accomplishment of the aim, then, I will know that I have reached the mission.

On a plan of action?

It sounds hard to me to do this, because some of my goals were not projected to be reached by plans, but by the normal process of life.
But there is a part of my vision that can be done by plan.
About my studies, my plan is to keep on track, always studying hard and getting good grades in order to have always financial resources available to me. Otherwise, I cannot pay for my studies.
About my ministry, my plan is to show my gifts and talents in what concerns to teach the Word of God. Of course my academic degrees will launch me in the academic area, if I look for it.
About my family, my plan is to wait until my girlfriend comes to USA and live here, so I can see that God is providing ways for us to get together. If she does not come, I have not figured out a different plan.
About my parents, my plan is to always help them financially and spiritually, when they need so.


Of all the things I’ve ever done, what was I doing when I was the happiest?

Studying, learning and then applying the knowledge to my speeches and sermons. I remember how scared I was when I’d try to preach the Word without the knowledge. Sometimes I even did not know what I was talking about. I used to say what others had already said. But when I started thinking by myself and discerning the Word, I felt very happy.

In order of preference, what are the 5 things I would enjoy doing in the future?

Preaching throughout the world the Word of God;
Teaching the Word of God in a Seminary or University or both;
Being a good husband;
Being a good father;
Have my own business.

These are the reasons I am not doing those things now…

Preaching and doing missions - I am not involved with global missions, because right now I’m focusing my life in my education.
Teaching - I am giving baby steps toward that. Today, I’m Sunday school teacher for Brazilians in an American church. To achieve this goal I have to first complete my education.
Be a husband - I am not married yet.
Be a father - I do not have children yet.
Own a business - I do not have financial means to do that today. This would be for a further future.

If nothing changes and I continue doing what I am doing today, where will I be in five years?

I will be finishing my Master’s Degree, and hopefully getting everything done for my Ph.D. I also will hopefully be married and “pregnant”. And have a paid position in a church.


Write down your goals. You should write down a goal for each of the six areas of your life (areas of life: Work, Family, Social, Physical, Mental and Spiritual)

Work – my primary goal is to be a good minister.
Not only in knowledge, but mainly in built relationship. Showing Jesus through not only what I speak, but mainly through what I live.
Have fun in it. Understanding that more than a job my work is a call. Do not allowing that worries and concerns of ministry take my focus and my passion for the people of God, the work of God and for God Himself.
Contribute positively to the growth of my church and be committed to the discipleship of those new born Christians, making them true Disciples of Christ and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Be always renewing my skills and training myself to understand the constantly altering of our society. Understanding that I will have a hard work of teaching a never changing message to an always changing people.

Family – my goals in this area are:
Have my family as the most important “thing” in my life after God. They are my first flock, my first disciples, and my first ministry. Right now I know that I do not have the best view about family because I do not have one, but when God gives me one, I want to have them as precious treasure.
Establish a good environment for trustiness and confidence. Be transparent about my feeling and desires. Be open to listen, to learn, to teach and to correct if it’s necessary.
Be committed with my future children education, provision and love. Teaching them what God has as valuable. Do not hesitate in giving hard correction with love and kindness.
Spend time with my wife, renewing our vows every once and a while. Do not allow that the stress of the day, interfere in our relationship. Programming activities for me and my wife only, as well as, for the whole family.

Social – my goals are:
Love people. Relate with them. Worry about them. Get out of my comfort zone to reach some of their needs.
Have friends, be honest with them. Show them who I am as man. I also require honesty from them. No such things as super believer or superior just because I’m Pastor.
Do not be interested in people only because they could be potential Christians, but instead, love all people in general, being a witness of Christ’s love.
Being involved with the community, trying to participate in all special events.

Physical – my goals are:
Respect my body. Do exercising, illness preventions. Sleep every night between 7 to 8 hours per night. Know my physical boundaries. Avoid things that will put my health and life into risk.

Mental – my goals are:
Avoid anxiety. Be always exercising my mind with good readings and thinking goods thoughts. Have a plan for skills development.

Spiritual – my goals are:
Have a spiritual disciplined life. Help others to grow spiritually as well.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Linving one day at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will;
That I may be reasonable happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.

Reinhold Neibuhr